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Christ in the Liturgy 8th Grade Chapter 2 Review Answer Key

Christ in the Liturgy

Chapter two

The People of God

Remember in this chapter you learned:

1. The Church is the sacrament of God's love for the whole world.

ii. The Church is a pilgrim people called together by God to become one in Jesus Christ.

3. There are four states of life: single, married, consecrated, and ordained.

Question 1 of twenty

Take the Quiz

one. Pope John Paul II recognized ________________________ as a generous group that has the goal of "globalizing solidarity."

ii. The local subsidiary of Caritas Internationalis is _______________________________.

3. Julie, a missionary in Saipan, was a virtuous example of great ______________ as she shared the gifts she had been given by God with those well-nigh in demand.

4. The discussion "church" comes from the word _________________________ which relates to the gathering together of people.

v. All of the following describe the Church building equally a sign and an instrument, except _______________.

vi. How does ane begin to belong to the People of God, the Church?

7. The ______________________ forms the followers of Jesus into the new People of God, the Church.

8. All the following describes the communion of the Church except ________________.

9. The Communion of Saints includes ________________________.

10. All of the following are true except ____________.

11. Vatican II describes the People of God every bit having existent simply imperfect holiness. What does this hateful?

12. All the baptized members of the Church are chosen to share in _____________________.

13. The Paschal Mystery is Christ's ____________________.

14. Nearly of the baptized are members of the ________________, called to place their gifts of the Holy Spirit at the service of the world.

15. Laypeople have a _______________ to exist lights of organized religion hope and love to their families, communities, workplaces and parishes.

16. Bishops, priests and deacons are examples of _____________________ who make Christ visible in the midst of the Church.

17. There are laypeople and clergy who make promises to live their lives in a celibate, obedient, and humble way of poverty that is recognized past the Church building. This is chosen living a _______________________.

18. The Church teaches that the naming of a new pope is the work of the ________________________.

19. The Pope is the successor of Saint Peter, the bishop of Rome and he is ___________________.

20. All of the following are true about bishops except _____________.

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